Frequently Asked Questions
We get many calls. That’s nice, but we are not able to handle the amount. Fortunately, you find the answers here, faster that it takes to call. It’s also possible to enter Ctrl+F to find the topic. The questions are categoriezed in kayak and other questions.
About kayak
Cancellation more than 7 days before: 100 % refund.
Cancellation less than 7 days before: 50 % refund.
Cancellation 19 hours before, or less: No refund.
Tell us about cancellations on e-mail or ‘Message us’ (in the right corner. Remember to write us the name of the person who made the booking.
Availability is updated live. Click Book now or other booking buttons on our website.
It’s different from lake to lake. Have a look here.
About the same as you would wear on a hike. Which means: Dress for the weather.
The point with a neopren suit is to stay warm during diving, snorkeling or activity under, or in the water.
Neopren suit is not recommended during summer. If you kayak here when it’s colder than 7 degrees c we recommend neopren gloves or skin gloves.
Yes (if we have availability on the time you prefer) Click ‘Message us’ in the lower right corner, and write the name (that you booked with) and the date and time you want.
No. Why drive elsewhere, when heaven is right here?
Other questions
At the moment you must pay with card (online). We hope to accept Vipps in 2022 (if the bookingsystem implement it)
Unfortunately. We accept payment by card (online).
Yes (if we have availability on the time you prefer) Click ‘Message us’ in the lower right corner, and write the name (that you booked with) and the date and time you want.
Bindingsvann: No toilet.
Langen: You find a old fashion toilet on the first island. It’s marked on the map you get when you arrive.
Vansjø: There is a a toilet on land, and on the first island.
We are on the north end of lake Langen, close to the bus stop called Bru (in Nordre Follo). To avoid drop-in (which causes chaos on the parking) we have to wait with exact address until you have booked. You will get a perfect journey description and directions automatically after booking.